ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hongyun_Si
E-mail: lucky_shy@126.com OR sihongyun@sdufe.edu.cn
F1. 负责人,国家自然科学基金青年项目,《居民网约“拼车行为”的影响机理、驱动机制与干预策略研究》,72104128,在研
F2. 负责人,教育部人文社会科学青年项目,《循环经济视角下共享单车可持续发展的系统建模及治理预测研究》,21YJC630117,结题
F3. 负责人,山东省社会科学规划青年项目,《山东省城市共享单车资源利用效率提升的动力机制及治理策略研究》,21DGLJ07,在研
F4. 负责人,山东省自然科学基金青年项目,《面向循环经济的共享单车可持续使用与回收治理研究》,ZR2021QG053,在研
F5. 负责人,山东省重点研发计划项目,《“双碳”战略目标下山东省居民低碳行为驱动机理及引导政策研究》,2021RKY07133,结题
F6. 参与人,国家社会科学基金一般项目,《长三角地区城乡融合发展动力机制与协同治理研究》,19BGL274,结题
F7. 参与人,山东省社会科学规划专项项目,《山东省新型智慧城市运营能力影响因素与对策研究》,20CSDJ18,结题
P1. Si H, Duan X*, Cheng L, et al. Adoption of shared autonomous vehicles: Combined effects of the external environment and personal attributes. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2024, 34, 100688.
P2. Si H, Shi J, Hua W*, et al. What influences people to choose ridesharing? An overview of the literature. Transport Reviews, 2023, 43, 1211-1236.
P3. Si H, Li N, Duan X*, et al. Understanding the public's willingness to participate in the Carbon Generalized System of Preferences (CGSP): An innovative mechanism to drive low-carbon behavior in China. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2023, 38, 1-12.
P4. Si H, Su Y, Wu G*, et al. Can government regulation, carbon-emission reduction certification and information publicity promote carpooling behavior? Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment, 2022, 109:103384.
P5. Si H, Duan X*, Cheng L, et al. Determinants of consumers’ continuance intention to use dynamic ride-sharing services. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022, 104: 103201.
P6. Si H, Duan X*, Zhang W, et al. Are you a water saver? Discovering people’s water-saving intention by extending the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 311: 114848.
P7. Si H, Shen L, Liu W, Wu G*. Uncovering people’s mask-saving intentions and behaviors in the post-COVID-19 period: Evidence from China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 65, 102626.
P8. Si H, Su Y, Wu G*, et al. Understanding bike-sharing users’ willingness to participate in repairing damaged bicycles: Evidence from China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2020, 141:203-220.
P9. Si H, Shi J, Tang D*, et al. Understanding intention and behavior toward sustainable usage of bike sharing by extending the theory of planned behavior. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 2020, 152, 104513.(ESI高被引)
P10. Si H, Shi J*, Wu G, et al. Mapping the bike sharing research published from 2010 to 2018: A scientometric review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 213:415-427.(ESI高被引)
P11. Su Y, Si H*, Chen J, et al. Promoting the sustainable development of the recycling market of construction and demolition waste: A stakeholder game perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 277, 122281.
P12. Su Y, Chen J, Si H*, et al. Decision-making interaction among stakeholders regarding construction and demolition waste recycling under different power structures. Waste Management, 2021, 131: 491-502.
P13. Yin X, Li J, Si H*, et al. Attention marketing in fragmented entertainment: How advertising embedding influences purchase decision in short-form video apps. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024, 76: 103572.
P14. 司红运,施建刚,曲衍波,吴光东.面向循环经济的共享单车可持续发展治理路径——基于上海市实践案例的政策模拟研究.中国人口·资源与环境, 2022, 32(02): 71-84.
P15. 司红运,施建刚,陈进道,吴光东,王欢明.从《中国人口·资源与环境》审视国内的可持续发展研究——主题脉络、知识演进与新兴热点.中国人口·资源与环境, 2019, 29(07): 166-176.
G1. 负责人,山东省国土空间规划院课题,《标准实施效果评估和野外观测数据采集分析项目》
G2. 负责人,潍坊市改革发展研究中心课题,《潍坊实施城市更新行动战略研究》
G3. 参与人,枣庄市自然资源和规划局课题,《枣庄市自然资源“十四五”规划》
G4. 参与人,上海市人民政府重点课题,《上海城市有机更新和“留改拆”政策研究》
2019年Best Volunteer Award for <Journal of Cleaner Production>
《Cities》《Sustainable Development》《Sustainable Cities and Society》《Travel Behaviour and Society》《Resources, Conservation and Recycling》《Resources Policy》《Waste Management》《Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review》《Transport Policy》《International Journal of Sustainable Transportation》《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Economic Analysis and Policy》《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》《Journal of Environmental Planning and Management》等环境、交通和可持续发展领域SSCI/SCI期刊匿名审稿人。